Tuesday, December 13, 2011

CERTainly below my level...

I'm sitting in a CERT(citizens emergency rescue training) class.

Why you ask? I don't know.

It's part of my contract with my service project. I'm not complaining(ok,maybe a little). I have two days off. I really don't have to find busy work all day waiting for a call.

One thing I did wrong was run crew last night. I'm exhausted. I stayed up until 03:00 before my eyes gave up staying open.

Well, here I am. Fighting to stay awake in class which is way below my current certifications.

I understand I need to know what everyone does in a first responders network, but I have previously sat on a CERT training earlier in my year of service. So why am I here?

I am losing faith in my management. She insisted I sit in the lecture with "regular citizens" learning what to in a state of an emergency. She has my training records. I have over 375 hours of fire and EMS training. I do not need to know Hazmat awareness. I am nationally certified hazmat operator. I going for my level A suit next year.

I don't need to take CPR for another year. I will be an instructor in less then three weeks.

The only good that can come of this is I'm getting a review, and interject with reports I have read throughout my CoEMS 2.0 followings.

Oh, and I get a bag full of goodie at the end of the lecture.