Monday, April 16, 2012

Did you just call me the "C" word?

I went to my yearly physical.
My blood test is abnormal. No results are in, yet. I'm very, very scared.

I have precancerous lesions on my uterus and cervix. I have nodes on my thyroid. I've had lung tumors.

I have not left my bed in three days. If one of these ticking time bombs goes off. I don't know what the future will hold.

I will remain an EMT, as long as, I possibly can. I love doing patient care. I want to help as many people; before, I become the patient again.

To have the vomiting; losing the weight(only to become puffy); the burning as the medicines enter the blood stream, you know, all the joys of being a patient.

I think my chronic health issues help me to be more sympathetic/empathic toward my patients.

Why are so many people afraid to hire me?
